free-compiler- A Haskell to Coq compiler.

Safe HaskellNone



This module contains functions for generating Coq function, constructor and type arguments from our intermediate representation.



convertTypeVarDecls Source #


:: Explicitness

Whether to generate an explicit or implicit binder.

-> [TypeVarDecl]

The type variable declarations.

-> Converter [Binder] 

Converts the declarations of type variables in the head of a data type or type synonym declaration to a Coq binder for a set of explicit or implicit type arguments.

E.g. the declaration of the type variable a in data D a = ... is translated to the binder (a : Type). If there are multiple type variable declarations as in data D a b = ... they are grouped into a single binder (a b : Type), because we assume all Haskell type variables to be of kind *.

The first argument controls whether the generated binders are explicit (e.g. (a : Type)) or implicit (e.g. {a : Type}).

convertTypeVarDecls' Source #


:: Explicitness

Whether to generate an explicit or implicit binder.

-> [TypeVarDecl]

The type variable declarations.

-> Converter ([Qualid], [Binder]) 

Like convertTypeVarDecls but also returns the Coq identifiers of the bound variables.

convertArg :: VarPat -> Converter Binder Source #

Converts the argument of a function (a variable pattern) to an explicit Coq binder.

If the variable pattern has a type annotation, the generated binder is annotated with the converted type. If the variable pattern is strict, the variable is marked as non-monadic and the converted type is not lifted to the Free monad.

generateArgBinder :: Qualid -> Maybe Term -> Converter Binder Source #

Generates an explicit Coq binder for a function argument with the given name and optional Coq type.

If no type is provided, it will be inferred by Coq.

convertAnonymousArg :: Maybe Type -> Converter (Qualid, Binder) Source #

Converts the argument of an artificially generated function to an explicit Coq binder. A fresh Coq identifier is selected for the argument and returned together with the binder.