-- | Implements the lifted IR to Agda translation for types.
module FreeC.Backend.Agda.Converter.Type
  ( convertLiftedFuncType
  , convertLiftedConType
  ) where

import           Prelude                           hiding ( pi )

import           Data.Bool                         ( bool )

import           FreeC.Backend.Agda.Converter.Free
  ( addPartial, applyFreeArgs, free )
import           FreeC.Backend.Agda.Converter.Size ( up )
import qualified FreeC.Backend.Agda.Syntax         as Agda
import           FreeC.Environment.Fresh           ( freshAgdaVar )
import           FreeC.Environment.LookupOrFail    ( lookupAgdaIdentOrFail )
import           FreeC.IR.SrcSpan                  ( SrcSpan(NoSrcSpan) )
import qualified FreeC.IR.Syntax                   as IR
import qualified FreeC.LiftedIR.Syntax             as LIR
import           FreeC.LiftedIR.Syntax.Type        ( decreasing )
import           FreeC.Monad.Converter             ( Converter, localEnv )

-- Functions                                                                 --
-- | Converts a lifted IR function type to an Agda type expression.
--   If the type contains decreasing annotations, a size type variable is bound
--   and used to annotate these occurrences.
convertLiftedFuncType :: Bool -> [LIR.Type] -> LIR.Type -> Converter Agda.Expr
convertLiftedFuncType isPartial argTypes retType = if any decreasing argTypes
  then pi "i"
    $ \i -> partial <$> convertLiftedType (Just $ Agda.hiddenArg_ i) funcType
  else partial <$> convertLiftedType' funcType
  funcType = LIR.funcType NoSrcSpan argTypes retType

  partial  = bool id addPartial isPartial

-- Constructors                                                              --
-- | Converts a constructor type from lifted IR to Agda.
--   If the constructor contains decreasing arguments (i.e., recursive
--   arguments), a new sized type variable is bound and used to annotate
--   these types.
convertLiftedConType :: [LIR.Type] -> LIR.Type -> Converter Agda.Expr
convertLiftedConType argTypes retType = if any decreasing argTypes
  then convertLiftedRecConType argTypes retType
  else convertLiftedType' $ LIR.funcType NoSrcSpan argTypes retType

-- | Converts a constructor from lifted IR to Agda by binding a new variable
--   @i : Size@ and annotating recursive occurrences and the return type.
convertLiftedRecConType :: [LIR.Type] -> LIR.Type -> Converter Agda.Expr
convertLiftedRecConType argTypes retType = pi "i" $ \i -> do
  retType' <- convertLiftedType' retType
  foldr Agda.fun (Agda.app retType' $ Agda.hiddenArg_ $ up i)
    <$> mapM (convertLiftedType $ Just $ Agda.hiddenArg_ i) argTypes

-- Lifted IR to Agda Translation                                             --
-- | Translates a given type in lifted IR to Agda.
--   If a @Size@ variable is needed, but none is provided, an error occurs.
convertLiftedType :: Maybe Agda.Expr -> LIR.Type -> Converter Agda.Expr
convertLiftedType _ (LIR.TypeVar srcSpan name)              = Agda.Ident
  <$> lookupAgdaIdentOrFail srcSpan IR.TypeScope (IR.UnQual $ IR.Ident name)
convertLiftedType i (LIR.TypeCon srcSpan name typeArgs dec) = do
  typeArgs' <- mapM (convertLiftedType i) typeArgs
  constr <- applyFreeArgs <$> lookupAgdaIdentOrFail srcSpan IR.TypeScope name
  let type' = foldl Agda.app constr typeArgs'
  if dec
    then Agda.app type'
      <$> maybe (fail "No Size annotation declared!") return i
    else return type'
convertLiftedType i (LIR.FuncType _ l r)
  = Agda.fun <$> convertLiftedType i l <*> convertLiftedType i r
convertLiftedType i (LIR.FreeTypeCon _ t)
  = free <$> convertLiftedType i t

-- | Calls @convertType'@ without providing a @Size@ annotation.
convertLiftedType' :: LIR.Type -> Converter Agda.Expr
convertLiftedType' = convertLiftedType Nothing

-- Specialized Syntax                                                        --
-- | Creates a new pi expression binding a variable with the given name.
pi :: String
   -- ^ Preferred name for the bound variable.
   -> (Agda.Expr -> Converter Agda.Expr)
   -- ^ Continuation for creating the expression using the variable.
   -> Converter Agda.Expr
pi name k = localEnv $ do
  var <- freshAgdaVar name
  Agda.pi [Agda.unqualify var] <$> k (Agda.Ident var)