-- | This module contains functions for converting Haskell types to Coq.
module FreeC.Backend.Coq.Converter.Type where

import           Control.Monad                    ( (>=>) )

import qualified FreeC.Backend.Coq.Base           as Coq.Base
import           FreeC.Backend.Coq.Converter.Free
import qualified FreeC.Backend.Coq.Syntax         as Coq
import           FreeC.Environment.LookupOrFail
import qualified FreeC.IR.Syntax                  as IR
import           FreeC.LiftedIR.Converter.Type
import qualified FreeC.LiftedIR.Syntax            as LIR
import           FreeC.Monad.Converter

-- IR to Coq Translation                                                     --
-- | Converts a type from IR to Coq, lifting it into the @Free@ monad.
--   [\(\tau^\dagger = Free\,Shape\,Pos\,\tau^*\)]
--     A type \(\tau\) is converted by lifting it into the @Free@ monad and
--     recursively converting the argument and return types of functions
--     using 'convertType''.
convertType :: IR.Type -> Converter Coq.Term
convertType = liftType >=> convertLiftedType

-- | Converts a type from IR to Coq.
--   In contrast to 'convertType', the type itself is not lifted into the
--   @Free@ monad. Only the argument and return types of the contained function
--   type constructors are lifted recursively.
--   [\(\alpha^* = \alpha'\)]
--     A type variable \(\alpha\) is translated by looking up the corresponding
--     Coq identifier \(\alpha'\).
--   [\(T^* = T'\,Shape\,Pos\)]
--     A type constructor \(T\) is translated by looking up the corresponding
--     Coq identifier \(T'\) and adding the parameters \(Shape\) and \(Pos\).
--   [\((\tau_1\,\tau_2)^* = \tau_1^*\,\tau_2^*\)]
--     Type constructor applications are translated recursively but
--     remain unchanged otherwise.
--   [\((\tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2)^* = \tau_1^\dagger \rightarrow \tau_2^\dagger\)]
--     Type constructor applications are translated recursively but
--     remain unchanged otherwise.
convertType' :: IR.Type -> Converter Coq.Term
convertType' = liftType' >=> convertLiftedType

-- Lifted IR to Coq Translation                                              --
-- | Converts a given type in the lifted IR to a Coq term.
convertLiftedType :: LIR.Type -> Converter Coq.Term
convertLiftedType (LIR.TypeVar srcSpan ident)       = do
  qualid <- lookupIdentOrFail srcSpan IR.TypeScope (IR.UnQual (IR.Ident ident))
  return $ Coq.Qualid qualid
convertLiftedType (LIR.TypeCon srcSpan name args _) = do
  qualid <- lookupIdentOrFail srcSpan IR.TypeScope name
  args' <- mapM convertLiftedType args
  return $ genericApply qualid [] [] args'
convertLiftedType (LIR.FuncType _ l r)              = do
  l' <- convertLiftedType l
  r' <- convertLiftedType r
  return $ Coq.Arrow l' r'
convertLiftedType (LIR.FreeTypeCon _ t)             = do
  t' <- convertLiftedType t
  return $ genericApply Coq.Base.free [] [] [t']