-- | This module contains passes for inserting data type, constructor and
--   type synonym declarations as well as function declarations into the
--   environment.
--   Subsequent passes can still modify entries added by this pass.
--   For example, which effects are used by which functions is determined
--   after this pass (see "FreeC.Pass.EffectAnalysisPass").
--   = Specification
--   = Preconditions
--   The argument and return types and type arguments of function declarations
--   are annotated.
--   = Translation
--   No changes are made to the declarations.
--   = Postconditions
--   There are entries for the given declarations in the environment.
--   = Error cases
--   * The user is informed if a different name is assigned to an entry.
module FreeC.Pass.DefineDeclPass ( defineTypeDeclsPass, defineFuncDeclsPass ) where

import           Data.Maybe                        ( fromJust )

import           FreeC.Environment.Entry
import           FreeC.Environment.Renamer
import           FreeC.IR.DependencyGraph
import qualified FreeC.IR.Syntax                   as IR
import           FreeC.Monad.Converter
import           FreeC.Pass.DependencyAnalysisPass

-- | Inserts all data type declarations and type synonyms in the given strongly
--   connected component into the environment.
defineTypeDeclsPass :: DependencyAwarePass IR.TypeDecl
defineTypeDeclsPass component = do
  mapComponentM_ (mapM defineTypeDecl) component
  return component

-- | Inserts all function declarations in the given strongly connected
--   component into the environment.
--   If any function in the component uses a partial function, all of the
--   functions in the component are marked as partial.
defineFuncDeclsPass :: DependencyAwarePass IR.FuncDecl
defineFuncDeclsPass component = do
  mapComponentM_ (mapM defineFuncDecl) component
  return component

-- Type Declarations                                                         --
-- | Inserts the given data type (including its constructors) or type synonym
--   declaration into the current environment.
defineTypeDecl :: IR.TypeDecl -> Converter ()
defineTypeDecl (IR.TypeSynDecl srcSpan declIdent typeArgs typeExpr) = do
  _ <- renameAndAddEntry TypeSynEntry
    { entrySrcSpan   = srcSpan
    , entryArity     = length typeArgs
    , entryTypeArgs  = map IR.typeVarDeclIdent typeArgs
    , entryTypeSyn   = typeExpr
    , entryName      = IR.declIdentName declIdent
    , entryIdent     = undefined -- filled by renamer
    , entryAgdaIdent = undefined -- filled by renamer
  return ()
defineTypeDecl (IR.DataDecl srcSpan declIdent typeArgs conDecls) = do
  _ <- renameAndAddEntry DataEntry
    { entrySrcSpan   = srcSpan
    , entryArity     = length typeArgs
    , entryName      = IR.declIdentName declIdent
    , entryConsNames = map IR.conDeclQName conDecls
    , entryIdent     = undefined -- filled by renamer
    , entryAgdaIdent = undefined -- filled by renamer
  mapM_ defineConDecl conDecls
  -- | The type produced by all constructors of the data type.
  returnType :: IR.Type
  returnType = IR.typeConApp srcSpan (IR.declIdentName declIdent)
    (map IR.typeVarDeclToType typeArgs)

  -- | Inserts the given data constructor declaration and its smart constructor
  --   into the current environment.
  defineConDecl :: IR.ConDecl -> Converter ()
  defineConDecl (IR.ConDecl conSrcSpan conDeclIdent argTypes) = do
    _ <- renameAndAddEntry ConEntry
      { entrySrcSpan        = conSrcSpan
      , entryArity          = length argTypes
      , entryTypeArgs       = map IR.typeVarDeclIdent typeArgs
      , entryArgTypes       = argTypes
      , entryReturnType     = returnType
      , entryName           = IR.declIdentName conDeclIdent
      , entryIdent          = undefined -- filled by renamer
      , entryAgdaIdent      = undefined -- filled by renamer
      , entrySmartIdent     = undefined -- filled by renamer
      , entryAgdaSmartIdent = undefined -- filled by renamer
    return ()

-- Function Declarations                                                     --
-- | Inserts the given function declaration into the current environment.
--   The 'entryEffects' may be updated by the "FreeC.Pass.EffectAnalysisPass".
defineFuncDecl :: IR.FuncDecl -> Converter ()
defineFuncDecl funcDecl = do
  _ <- renameAndAddEntry FuncEntry
    { entrySrcSpan             = IR.funcDeclSrcSpan funcDecl
    , entryArity               = length (IR.funcDeclArgs funcDecl)
    , entryTypeArgs            = map IR.typeVarDeclIdent
        (IR.funcDeclTypeArgs funcDecl)
    , entryArgTypes            = map (fromJust . IR.varPatType)
        (IR.funcDeclArgs funcDecl)
    , entryStrictArgs          = map IR.varPatIsStrict
        (IR.funcDeclArgs funcDecl)
    , entryReturnType          = fromJust (IR.funcDeclReturnType funcDecl)
    , entryNeedsFreeArgs       = True
    , entryEncapsulatesEffects = False
    , entryEffects             = []
    , entryName                = IR.funcDeclQName funcDecl
    , entryIdent               = undefined -- filled by renamer
    , entryAgdaIdent           = undefined -- filled by renamer
  return ()