-- | This module contains functions for pretty printing.
--   We are using the 'Pretty' type class from the 'wl-pprint-text' package.
module FreeC.Pretty
  ( module Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text
    -- * Pretty Printing
  , prettySeparated
  , prettyMaybe
  , prettyString
  , prettyText
  , prettyLines
    -- * Trailing Lines
  , TrailingLine
    -- * Rendering
  , renderPretty'
    -- * Output
  , putPretty
  , putPrettyLn
  , hPutPretty
  , hPutPrettyLn
  , writePrettyFile
    -- * Conversion
  , showPretty
  ) where

import           Data.List                    ( intersperse )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy               as LazyText
import           System.IO
import           Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text hiding ( (<$>) )

-- Pretty Printing                                                           --
-- | Pretty prints a list of pretty printable values by concatenating their
--   documents with the given separator in between.
prettySeparated :: Pretty a => Doc -> [a] -> Doc
prettySeparated separator = hcat . intersperse separator . map pretty

-- | Pretty prints the value contained in the given 'Maybe' value or pretty
--   prints a default value.
--   There is also a 'Pretty' instance for 'Maybe' that produces the empty
--   document if the value is 'Nothing'.
prettyMaybe :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> Maybe b -> Doc
prettyMaybe c Nothing  = pretty c
prettyMaybe _ (Just x) = pretty x

-- | Pretty prints a string without automatic newlines if the string does not
--   fit onto the page.
prettyString :: String -> Doc
prettyString = text . LazyText.pack

-- | Pretty prints a string such that long lines that don't fit the page
--   are automatically broken between two words.
prettyText :: String -> Doc
prettyText = foldr ((</>) . prettyString) empty . words

-- | Pretty prints each line of the given string using 'prettyText' and
--   concatenates the resulting documents vertically.
prettyLines :: String -> Doc
prettyLines = vcat . map prettyText . lines

-- Trailing Lines                                                            --
-- | A pretty printable value with a trailing newline.
newtype TrailingLine a = TrailingLine a

-- | Pretty prints the wrapped value of a 'TrailingLine' and adds the trailing
--   newline to the resulting document.
instance Pretty a => Pretty (TrailingLine a) where
  pretty (TrailingLine x) = pretty x <> line

-- Rendering                                                                 --
-- | Pretty prints a value with a maximum line length of @120@ characters of
--   which @80@ are allowed to be non-indentation characters.
renderPretty' :: Pretty a => a -> SimpleDoc
renderPretty' = renderPretty ribbonFrac maxLineWidth . pretty
  ribbonWidth :: Int
  ribbonWidth = 80

  maxLineWidth :: Int
  maxLineWidth = 120

  ribbonFrac :: Float
  ribbonFrac = fromIntegral ribbonWidth / fromIntegral maxLineWidth

-- Output                                                                    --
-- | Prints a pretty printable value to 'stdout'.
putPretty :: Pretty a => a -> IO ()
putPretty = hPutPretty stdout

-- | Prints a pretty printable value to 'stdout' with trailing newline.
putPrettyLn :: Pretty a => a -> IO ()
putPrettyLn = putPretty . TrailingLine

-- | Prints a pretty printable value to the given file handle.
hPutPretty :: Pretty a => Handle -> a -> IO ()
hPutPretty h = displayIO h . renderPretty'

-- | Prints a pretty printable value to the given file handle and adds a
--   trailing newline.
hPutPrettyLn :: Pretty a => Handle -> a -> IO ()
hPutPrettyLn h = hPutPretty h . TrailingLine

-- | Writes a pretty printable value to the file located at the given path.
--   There is always a trailing newline at the end of the file.
writePrettyFile :: Pretty a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
writePrettyFile filename = withFile filename WriteMode . flip hPutPrettyLn

-- Conversion                                                                --
-- | Converts a pretty printable value to a string.
showPretty :: Pretty a => a -> String
showPretty = LazyText.unpack . displayT . renderPretty'