free-compiler- A Haskell to Coq compiler.

Safe HaskellSafe



This module contains the definition of type schemes of our intermediate language.



data TypeScheme Source #

A type expression with explicitly introduced type variables.

Eq TypeScheme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeScheme

Show TypeScheme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeScheme

Pretty TypeScheme Source #

Pretty instance for type schemes.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeScheme

Similar TypeScheme Source #

Two type schemes are similar if their abstracted types are similar under an extend Renaming that maps the corresponding type arguments to each other.

    Γ ∪ { α₁ ↦ β₁, …, αₙ ↦ βₙ } ⊢ τ ≈ τ'
 Γ ⊢ forall α₁ … αₙ. τ ≈ forall β₁ … βₙ. τ'
Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Similar


similar' :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme -> Renaming -> Bool

HasRefs TypeScheme Source #

Type schemes refer to the types it's type expression refers to but not to the type variables that are bound by the type scheme.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Reference


refSet :: TypeScheme -> RefSet

Parseable TypeScheme Source #

Parser for IR type schemes.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Frontend.IR.Parser


parseIR' :: Parser TypeScheme Source #

ApplySubst Type TypeScheme Source #

Applies the given type substitution to a type scheme.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Subst