free-compiler- A Haskell to Coq compiler.

Safe HaskellSafe




This module contains functions for pretty printing.

We are using the Pretty type class from the 'wl-pprint-text' package.



(<$$>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

(<++>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

(<//>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

(</>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

align :: Doc -> Doc #

angles :: Doc -> Doc #

beside :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

bool :: Bool -> Doc #

braces :: Doc -> Doc #

cat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

char :: Char -> Doc #

column :: (Int -> Doc) -> Doc #

dot :: Doc #

enclose :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

encloseSep :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc #

fill :: Int -> Doc -> Doc #

fillBreak :: Int -> Doc -> Doc #

fillCat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

fillSep :: [Doc] -> Doc #

group :: Doc -> Doc #

hPutDoc :: Handle -> Doc -> IO () #

hang :: Int -> Doc -> Doc #

hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc #

indent :: Int -> Doc -> Doc #

int :: Int -> Doc #

list :: [Doc] -> Doc #

nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc #

nesting :: (Int -> Doc) -> Doc #

parens :: Doc -> Doc #

punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc] #

putDoc :: Doc -> IO () #

sep :: [Doc] -> Doc #

text :: Text -> Doc #

tupled :: [Doc] -> Doc #

vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc #

width :: Doc -> (Int -> Doc) -> Doc #

data Doc #

Show Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text

IsString Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text

Semigroup Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc Source #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Doc -> Doc Source #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Doc -> Doc Source #

Monoid Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text

Pretty Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Doc -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Doc] -> Doc #

class Pretty a where #

Minimal complete definition



pretty :: a -> Doc #

prettyList :: [a] -> Doc #

Pretty Bool 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Bool -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Bool] -> Doc #

Pretty Char 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Char -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Char] -> Doc #

Pretty Double 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Double -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Double] -> Doc #

Pretty Float 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Float -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Float] -> Doc #

Pretty Int 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Int -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Int] -> Doc #

Pretty Integer 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Integer -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Integer] -> Doc #

Pretty () 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: () -> Doc #

prettyList :: [()] -> Doc #

Pretty Text 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Text -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Text] -> Doc #

Pretty Text 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Text -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Text] -> Doc #

Pretty Sentence Source #

Sentences often need to be pretty printed in the tests and when writing the generated Coq code to the console or a file.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Backend.Coq.Pretty


pretty :: Sentence -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Sentence] -> Doc #

Pretty Term Source #

Terms often need to be pretty printed in the tests.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Backend.Coq.Pretty


pretty :: Term -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Term] -> Doc #

Pretty Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Doc -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Doc] -> Doc #

Pretty SrcSpan Source #

Pretty instance for a source span that displays the filename and the start and end position of the source span.

If the source span spans only a single line, the end position is omitted.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.SrcSpan


pretty :: SrcSpan -> Doc #

prettyList :: [SrcSpan] -> Doc #

Pretty SrcFile Source #

Pretty instance for a source file that displays the filename.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.SrcSpan


pretty :: SrcFile -> Doc #

prettyList :: [SrcFile] -> Doc #

Pretty Message Source #

Pretty instance for messages.

The format of the messages is based on the format used by GHC:

[file]:[line]:[column]: [severity]:
[line] | [line of code ... culprit  ... ]
       |                   ^^^^^^^

If no location information is attached to the message, a place holder is text displayed instead of the filename, and start position and no code snippet will be shown.

Lists of messages are separated by a newline.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Monad.Reporter


pretty :: Message -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Message] -> Doc #

Pretty Severity Source #

Pretty instance for message severity levels.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Monad.Reporter


pretty :: Severity -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Severity] -> Doc #

Pretty DeclIdent Source #

Pretty instance for names of declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Name

Pretty QName Source #

Pretty instance for qualifiable identifiers and symbols.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Name


pretty :: QName -> Doc #

prettyList :: [QName] -> Doc #

Pretty Name Source #

Pretty instance for identifiers and symbols.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Name


pretty :: Name -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Name] -> Doc #

Pretty Type Source #

Pretty instance for type expressions.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Type


pretty :: Type -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Type] -> Doc #

Pretty TypeVarDecl Source #

Pretty instance for type variable declaration.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeVarDecl

Pretty TypeScheme Source #

Pretty instance for type schemes.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeScheme

Pretty ConDecl Source #

Pretty instance for data constructor declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeDecl


pretty :: ConDecl -> Doc #

prettyList :: [ConDecl] -> Doc #

Pretty TypeDecl Source #

Pretty instance for type declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.TypeDecl


pretty :: TypeDecl -> Doc #

prettyList :: [TypeDecl] -> Doc #

Pretty Pragma Source #

Pretty instance for custom {-# FreeC ... #-} pragmas.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Pragma


pretty :: Pragma -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Pragma] -> Doc #

Pretty Comment Source #

Pretty instance for comments.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Pragma


pretty :: Comment -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Comment] -> Doc #

Pretty Bind Source #

Pretty instance for let expression binds.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Expr


pretty :: Bind -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Bind] -> Doc #

Pretty VarPat Source #

Pretty instance for variable patterns.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Expr


pretty :: VarPat -> Doc #

prettyList :: [VarPat] -> Doc #

Pretty ConPat Source #

Pretty instance for constructor patterns.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Expr


pretty :: ConPat -> Doc #

prettyList :: [ConPat] -> Doc #

Pretty Alt Source #

Pretty instance for case expression alternatives.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Expr


pretty :: Alt -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Alt] -> Doc #

Pretty Expr Source #

Pretty instance for expressions.

If the expression contains type annotations, the output quickly becomes practically unreadable. Consider stripping type annotations before pretty printing (see FreeC.IR.Strip) to improve readability.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Expr


pretty :: Expr -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Expr] -> Doc #

Pretty FuncDecl Source #

Pretty instance for function declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.FuncDecl


pretty :: FuncDecl -> Doc #

prettyList :: [FuncDecl] -> Doc #

Pretty TypeSig Source #

Pretty instance for type signatures.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.FuncDecl


pretty :: TypeSig -> Doc #

prettyList :: [TypeSig] -> Doc #

Pretty TopLevelDecl Source #

Pretty instance for top-level declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Module

Pretty ImportDecl Source #

Pretty instance for import declarations.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Module

Pretty Pos Source #

Pretty prints a position.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Subterm


pretty :: Pos -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Pos] -> Doc #

Pretty Keyword Source #

Pretty prints a keyword.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Frontend.IR.Token


pretty :: Keyword -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Keyword] -> Doc #

Pretty Token Source #

Pretty prints a token.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Frontend.IR.Token


pretty :: Token -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Token] -> Doc #

Pretty Declaration Source #

Declarations are a common AST node.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Backend.Agda.Pretty


pretty :: Declaration -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Declaration] -> Doc #

Pretty Expr Source #

Exprs are a common AST node.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Backend.Agda.Pretty


pretty :: Expr -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Expr] -> Doc #

Pretty a => Pretty [a] 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: [a] -> Doc #

prettyList :: [[a]] -> Doc #

Pretty a => Pretty (Maybe a) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Maybe a -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Maybe a] -> Doc #

Pretty a => Pretty (TrailingLine a) Source #

Pretty prints the wrapped value of a TrailingLine and adds the trailing newline to the resulting document.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Pretty

Pretty contents => Pretty (ModuleOf [contents]) Source #

Pretty instance for modules.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Syntax.Module


pretty :: ModuleOf [contents] -> Doc #

prettyList :: [ModuleOf [contents]] -> Doc #

Pretty (Module l) Source #

Pretty instance for module nodes of Haskell Source Extensions AST.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Frontend.Haskell.Pretty


pretty :: Module l -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Module l] -> Doc #

Gallina a => Pretty (PrettyCoq a) Source #

Pretty instance for nodes of the Coq AST.

When pretty printing a list of nodes, the individual documents are concatenated with newlines.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Backend.Coq.Pretty


pretty :: PrettyCoq a -> Doc #

prettyList :: [PrettyCoq a] -> Doc #

Pretty decl => Pretty (DependencyComponent decl) Source #

Pretty instance that pretty prints the declarations of a strongly connected component.

Each declaration is on its own line and indented by two spaces. The first line of the document indicates whether the component was recursive or not.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.DependencyGraph

Pretty (DependencyGraph node) Source #

Pretty instance that converts a dependency graph to the DOT format.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.DependencyGraph


pretty :: DependencyGraph node -> Doc #

prettyList :: [DependencyGraph node] -> Doc #

Pretty a => Pretty (Subst a) Source #

Substitutions can be pretty printed for testing purposes.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.IR.Subst


pretty :: Subst a -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Subst a] -> Doc #

(Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (a, b) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: (a, b) -> Doc #

prettyList :: [(a, b)] -> Doc #

(Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c) => Pretty (a, b, c) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: (a, b, c) -> Doc #

prettyList :: [(a, b, c)] -> Doc #

Pretty Printing

prettySeparated :: Pretty a => Doc -> [a] -> Doc Source #

Pretty prints a list of pretty printable values by concatenating their documents with the given separator in between.

prettyMaybe :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => a -> Maybe b -> Doc Source #

Pretty prints the value contained in the given Maybe value or pretty prints a default value.

There is also a Pretty instance for Maybe that produces the empty document if the value is Nothing.

prettyString :: String -> Doc Source #

Pretty prints a string without automatic newlines if the string does not fit onto the page.

prettyText :: String -> Doc Source #

Pretty prints a string such that long lines that don't fit the page are automatically broken between two words.

prettyLines :: String -> Doc Source #

Pretty prints each line of the given string using prettyText and concatenates the resulting documents vertically.

Trailing Lines

data TrailingLine a Source #

A pretty printable value with a trailing newline.

Pretty a => Pretty (TrailingLine a) Source #

Pretty prints the wrapped value of a TrailingLine and adds the trailing newline to the resulting document.

Instance details

Defined in FreeC.Pretty


renderPretty' :: Pretty a => a -> SimpleDoc Source #

Pretty prints a value with a maximum line length of 120 characters of which 80 are allowed to be non-indentation characters.


putPretty :: Pretty a => a -> IO () Source #

Prints a pretty printable value to stdout.

putPrettyLn :: Pretty a => a -> IO () Source #

Prints a pretty printable value to stdout with trailing newline.

hPutPretty :: Pretty a => Handle -> a -> IO () Source #

Prints a pretty printable value to the given file handle.

hPutPrettyLn :: Pretty a => Handle -> a -> IO () Source #

Prints a pretty printable value to the given file handle and adds a trailing newline.

writePrettyFile :: Pretty a => FilePath -> a -> IO () Source #

Writes a pretty printable value to the file located at the given path.

There is always a trailing newline at the end of the file.


showPretty :: Pretty a => a -> String Source #

Converts a pretty printable value to a string.