{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

-- | This module contains functions for loading and decoding 'ModuleInterface's
--   from TOML configuration files.
--   The module interface file contains the entries of a 'ModuleInterface'.
--   The file format is TOML (see <https://github.com/toml-lang/toml>).
--   JSON files can be decoded as well. The TOML format is preferred for
--   configuration files maintained by humans and JSON should be used to
--   read automatically generated (serialized) interfaces.
--   = File contents
--   The TOML document is expected to contain four arrays of tables @types@,
--   @type-synonyms@, @constructors@ and @functions@. Each table in these
--   arrays defines a data type, type synonym, constructor or function
--   respectively. The expected contents of each table is described below.
--   In addition, the module interface file contains meta information in the
--   top-level table.
--   == Top-Level
--   The top-level table must contain the following key/value pairs:
--     * @version@ (@Integer@) the version of the configuration file format.
--       The current version is 'moduleInterfaceFileFormatVersion'.
--       If there is a breaking change in the future, the module interface file
--       format version should be updated. The parser accepts module interface
--       files that use the most recent version only.
--     * @module-name@ (@String@) the name of the module that is described by
--       the module interface file.
--     * @library-name@ (@String@) the name of the Coq library that contains
--       the module.
--     * @exported-types@ (@Array@ of @String@) the names (@haskell-name@) of
--       the type-level entries exported by the module. All other entries in
--       the @types@ and @type-synonyms@ tables are "hidden" (i.e. cannot be
--       used by an importing module directly).
--     * @exported-values@ (@Array@ of @String@) the names (@haskell-name@) of
--       the value-level entries exported by the module. All other entries in
--       the @constructors@ and @functions@ tables are "hidden" (i.e. cannot be
--       used by an importing module directly).
--   == Data types
--   The tables in the @types@ array must contain the following key/value pairs:
--     * @haskell-name@ (@String@) the qualified Haskell name of the type
--       constructor in the module it has been defined in.
--     * @coq-name@ (@String@) the identifier of the corresponding Coq type
--       constructor.
--     * @arity@ (@Integer@) the number of type arguments expected by the
--       type constructor.
--     * @cons-names@ (@Array@ of @String@) the names of the constructors of
--       the defined data type.
--   == Type synonyms
--   The tables in the @type-synonyms@ array must contain the following
--   key/value pairs:
--     * @haskell-name@ (@String@) the qualified Haskell name of the type
--       synonym in the module it has been defined in.
--     * @coq-name@ (@String@) the identifier of the corresponding Coq
--       definition.
--     * @arity@ (@Integer@) the number of type arguments expected by the
--       type synonym.
--     * @haskell-type@ (@String@) the Haskell type that is abbreviated by
--       the type synonym.
--     * @type-arguments@ (@Array@ of @String@) the Haskell identifiers of the
--       type arguments. Must be of length @arity@.
--   == Constructors
--   The tables in the @constructors@ array must contain the following
--   key/value pairs:
--     * @haskell-type@ (@String@) the Haskell type of the data constructor.
--     * @haskell-name@ (@String@) the qualified Haskell name of the data
--       constructor in the module it has been defined in.
--     * @coq-name@ (@String@) the identifier of the corresponding Coq data
--       constructor.
--     * @coq-smart-name@ (@String@) the identifier of the corresponding Coq
--       smart constructor.
--     * @arity@ (@Integer@) the number of arguments expected by the data
--       constructor.
--   == Functions
--   The tables in the @functions@ array must contain the following
--   key/value pairs:
--     * @haskell-type@ (@String@) the Haskell type of the function.
--     * @haskell-name@ (@String@) the qualified Haskell name of the function
--       in the module it has been defined in.
--     * @coq-name@ (@String@) the identifier of the corresponding Coq
--       function.
--     * @arity@ (@Integer@) the number of arguments expected by the function.
--     * @strict-args@ (@Array@ of @Boolean@) whether the function is strict in
--       in its arguments.
--     * @effects@ (@Array@ of @String@) the effects contained in the function,
--       i.e. which type classes need to be passed.
--     * @needs-free-args@ (@Boolean@) whether the arguments of the @Free@
--       monad need to be passed to the function.
--   Additionally, the following optional key/value pairs are allowed.
--     * @encapsulates-effects@ (@Boolean@, defaults to @false@) whether the
--       function encapsulates effects. This property should only be set to
--       @true@ for selected functions from the base library. For example, the
--       flag is set for functions from the QuickCheck extension.
module FreeC.Environment.ModuleInterface.Decoder ( loadModuleInterface ) where

import           Control.Monad                     ( when )
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class            ( MonadIO )
import           Data.Aeson                        ( (.!=), (.:), (.:?) )
import qualified Data.Aeson                        as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types                  as Aeson
import qualified Data.Set                          as Set
import qualified Data.Text                         as Text
import qualified Data.Vector                       as Vector
import           Text.Read                         ( readMaybe )

import qualified FreeC.Backend.Agda.Syntax         as Agda
import qualified FreeC.Backend.Coq.Syntax          as Coq
import           FreeC.Environment.Entry
import           FreeC.Environment.ModuleInterface
import           FreeC.Frontend.IR.Parser
import           FreeC.IR.Reference                ( freeTypeVars )
import           FreeC.IR.SrcSpan
import qualified FreeC.IR.Syntax                   as IR
import           FreeC.LiftedIR.Effect
import           FreeC.Monad.Reporter
import           FreeC.Pretty
import           FreeC.Util.Config

-- | The version number of the module interface file format.
--   Remember to keep this in sync with the version number specified in
--   "FreeC.Environment.ModuleInterface.Encoder".
--   We specify the version number at two different places such that if
--   a breaking change is made to the encoder or decoder, it is less likely
--   that the implementation of the corresponding change in the other module
--   is forgotten.
moduleInterfaceFileFormatVersion :: Integer
moduleInterfaceFileFormatVersion = 6

-- | Parses an IR AST node from an Aeson string.
parseAesonIR :: Parseable a => String -> Aeson.Parser a
parseAesonIR input = do
  let srcFile   = mkSrcFile "<config-input>" input
      (res, ms) = runReporter (parseIR srcFile)
  case res of
    Nothing -> Aeson.parseFail (showPretty ms)
    Just t  -> return t

-- | All Haskell names in the interface file are qualified.
instance Aeson.FromJSON IR.QName where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "IR.QName" $ parseAesonIR . Text.unpack

-- | Restores a Coq identifier from the interface file.
instance Aeson.FromJSON Coq.Qualid where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Coq.Qualid" $ return . Coq.bare . Text.unpack

instance Aeson.FromJSON Agda.QName where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Agda.QName"
    $ return . Agda.qname' . Agda.name . Text.unpack

-- | Restores a Haskell type from the interface file.
instance Aeson.FromJSON IR.Type where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "IR.Type" $ parseAesonIR . Text.unpack

-- | Restores an effect from the interface file.
instance Aeson.FromJSON Effect where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Effect" $ parseEffect . Text.unpack
    parseEffect :: String -> Aeson.Parser Effect
    parseEffect effectName = case readMaybe effectName of
      Just effect -> return effect
      Nothing     -> Aeson.parseFail ("Unknown effect: " ++ effectName)

-- | Restores a 'ModuleInterface' from the configuration file.
instance Aeson.FromJSON ModuleInterface where
  parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "ModuleInterface" $ \env -> do
    version <- env .: "version"
    when (version /= moduleInterfaceFileFormatVersion)
      $ Aeson.parseFail
      $ "Expected version "
      ++ show moduleInterfaceFileFormatVersion
      ++ ", got version "
      ++ show version
      ++ ".\n"
      ++ "Try to recompile the module."
    modName <- env .: "module-name"
    libName <- env .: "library-name"
    exportedTypes <- env .: "exported-types"
    exportedValues <- env .: "exported-values"
    types <- env .:? "types" .!= Aeson.Array Vector.empty
      >>= Aeson.withArray "Data types" (mapM parseConfigType)
    typeSyns <- env .:? "type-synonyms" .!= Aeson.Array Vector.empty
      >>= Aeson.withArray "Type Synonyms" (mapM parseConfigTypeSyn)
    cons <- env .:? "constructors" .!= Aeson.Array Vector.empty
      >>= Aeson.withArray "Constructors" (mapM parseConfigCon)
    funcs <- env .:? "functions" .!= Aeson.Array Vector.empty
      >>= Aeson.withArray "Functions" (mapM parseConfigFunc)
    return ModuleInterface
      { interfaceModName     = modName
      , interfaceLibName     = libName
      , interfaceAgdaLibName = Agda.name $ Text.unpack $ libName
      , interfaceExports     = Set.fromList
          (map ((,) IR.TypeScope) exportedTypes
           ++ map ((,) IR.ValueScope) exportedValues)
      , interfaceEntries     = Set.fromList
          (Vector.toList types
           ++ Vector.toList typeSyns
           ++ Vector.toList cons
           ++ Vector.toList funcs)
    parseConfigType :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser EnvEntry
    parseConfigType = Aeson.withObject "Data type" $ \obj -> do
      arity <- obj .: "arity"
      haskellName <- obj .: "haskell-name"
      coqName <- obj .: "coq-name"
      agdaName <- obj .: "agda-name"
      consNames <- obj .: "cons-names"
      return DataEntry { entrySrcSpan   = NoSrcSpan
                       , entryArity     = arity
                       , entryIdent     = coqName
                       , entryAgdaIdent = agdaName
                       , entryName      = haskellName
                       , entryConsNames = consNames

    parseConfigTypeSyn :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser EnvEntry
    parseConfigTypeSyn = Aeson.withObject "Type synonym" $ \obj -> do
      arity <- obj .: "arity"
      typeSyn <- obj .: "haskell-type"
      typeArgs <- obj .: "type-arguments"
      haskellName <- obj .: "haskell-name"
      coqName <- obj .: "coq-name"
      agdaName <- obj .: "agda-name"
      return TypeSynEntry
        { entrySrcSpan   = NoSrcSpan
        , entryArity     = arity
        , entryTypeArgs  = typeArgs
        , entryTypeSyn   = typeSyn
        , entryIdent     = coqName
        , entryAgdaIdent = agdaName
        , entryName      = haskellName

    parseConfigCon :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser EnvEntry
    parseConfigCon = Aeson.withObject "Constructor" $ \obj -> do
      arity <- obj .: "arity"
      haskellName <- obj .: "haskell-name"
      haskellType <- obj .: "haskell-type"
      coqName <- obj .: "coq-name"
      coqSmartName <- obj .: "coq-smart-name"
      agdaName <- obj .: "agda-name"
      agdaSmartName <- obj .: "agda-smart-name"
      let (argTypes, returnType) = IR.splitFuncType haskellType arity
      return ConEntry
        { entrySrcSpan        = NoSrcSpan
        , entryArity          = arity
        , entryTypeArgs       = freeTypeVars returnType
        , entryArgTypes       = argTypes
        , entryReturnType     = returnType
        , entryIdent          = coqName
        , entrySmartIdent     = coqSmartName
        , entryAgdaIdent      = agdaName
        , entryAgdaSmartIdent = agdaSmartName
        , entryName           = haskellName

    parseConfigFunc :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser EnvEntry
    parseConfigFunc = Aeson.withObject "Function" $ \obj -> do
      arity <- obj .: "arity"
      haskellName <- obj .: "haskell-name"
      haskellType <- obj .: "haskell-type"
      strictArgs <- obj .: "strict-args"
      effects <- obj .: "effects"
      freeArgsNeeded <- obj .: "needs-free-args"
      effectsEncapsulated <- obj .:? "encapsulates-effects" .!= False
      coqName <- obj .: "coq-name"
      agdaName <- obj .: "agda-name"
      -- TODO this does not work with vanishing type arguments.
      let (argTypes, returnType) = IR.splitFuncType haskellType arity
          typeArgs               = freeTypeVars haskellType
      return FuncEntry
        { entrySrcSpan             = NoSrcSpan
        , entryArity               = arity
        , entryTypeArgs            = typeArgs
        , entryArgTypes            = argTypes
        , entryStrictArgs          = strictArgs
        , entryReturnType          = returnType
        , entryNeedsFreeArgs       = freeArgsNeeded
        , entryEncapsulatesEffects = effectsEncapsulated
        , entryEffects             = effects
        , entryIdent               = coqName
        , entryAgdaIdent           = agdaName
        , entryName                = haskellName

-- | Loads a module interface file from a @.toml@ or @.json@ file.
  :: (MonadIO r, MonadReporter r) => FilePath -> r ModuleInterface
loadModuleInterface = loadConfig